Over 20 years ago, dental implants emerged into the oral healthcare landscape as a highly effective way to restore a tooth that had been lost due to tooth decay or tooth extraction. In the years that have followed, dental implant technology and techniques have continued to evolve to include other applications. Now, dental implants can also be used to anchor a bridge in place or create anchor points to effectively secure your removable dentures.
At the first appointment, your Family Dental of Roscoe dentist will examine your mouth and take a few X-rays. This gives our team a detailed understanding of your overall health, including the available bone structure in that part of your jaw. If you have had past issues with chronic periodontal disease, tooth decay or tooth extraction, you might lack the sufficient bone structure needed to mount a dental implant. If this is the case, Dr. Nidal Obeid might recommend receiving a bone graft in that part of the jaw to restore sufficient jaw structure.
After your bone structure has been addressed, the implant procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis. Most people choose to be deeply sedated for their own comfort, so you will need to arrange to have someone drive you to and from your appointment.
In order to place the implant, our Family Dental of Roscoe team must first make a small incision in your gums to gain direct access to your jawbone. A narrow channel is made in the bone and a titanium post is screwed into place. Titanium is known to be biologically safe and it will eventually fuse to your bones to create a very strong anchor.
Once your gums have healed and the titanium implant has fused to your jawbone, we can start the process of fitting you for a standard dental crown.
If you have questions about dental implants in Chicago, Illinois, you can call Family Dental of Roscoe at 773-327-6500 to schedule an appointment.